Check out all of our favorite study tools for the PCS exam!
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Campbell’s Physical Therapy for Children 6th Edition
We can’t stress enough how important this book is for the PCS exam!
Case Files in Physical Therapy Pediatrics (Physical Therapy) 1st Edition
This book was very easy to read and the chapters were not overwhelming.
Meeting the Physical Therapy Needs of Children Third Edition
This book is a great additional resource to have in your study toolbox!
Evidence Based Physical Therapy Second Edition
A great resource to better help you understand research and statistics.
Guide to Evidenced-Based Physical Therapy
Another great resource to better help you understand research and statistics.
Foundations of Clinical Research
A deeper dive into research!
PCS Advantage
Another resource to guide your preparation for the ABPTS pediatrics specialist certification examination and expand your overall pediatric physical therapy knowledge. The exam questions and study guides are designed to facilitate a more organized and efficient study approach.
Teach Yourself How To Learn
This book is a valuable resource in preparation for studying for your board specialty exam. By introducing the concept of metacognition, the author emphasizes the importance of understanding oneself as a learner, which can lead to more effective study efforts and improved outcomes. By utilizing the framework and strategies discussed in the book, you can enhance your study methods and ultimately increase your chance of success in passing your PCS.
Learning That Lasts
The book highlights evidence-based study strategies that have been shown to be effective for promoting meaningful learning, as well as tips for how to incorporate these strategies into your studying routine. It also covers additional topics, such as effective notetaking, active reading, and time management.
Make It Stick
Many common study habits simply don’t work. Underlining, highlighting, rereading, cramming, and single-minded repetition of materials create the illusion of mastery, but gains fade quickly. Science shows that more durable learning comes from self-testing, introducing certain difficulties in practice, waiting to re-study new material until a little forgetting has occurred, and interleaving the practice of one skill or topic with another. Make It Stick breaks down these proven approaches in compelling ways and offers concrete techniques for becoming more productive learners.